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Tickets booked for travel between 25th September 2014 and 5th October 2014 are non-refundable.

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About Shah Ali Paribahan

Shah Ali Paribahan is a trusted name in the passenger transportation industry. With the experience of serving the people of the country since 1997, the bus operator can boast of an wonderful reputation. Shah Ali Paribahan started its journey on the Dhaka - Rangpur – Lalmonirhat -Patgram - Burimari route. In 2017, the distinguished Dhaka-Kurigram - Nageshwari – Bhurangamari - Ulipur-Chilmari route was added.Latest route the operator ventured in is the Dhaka-Mohakhali - Rangpur – Lalmonirhat - Patgram –Burimari route. The operator is equipped with high quality HYUNDAI, RM-2, HINO 1-J PLUS Brand AC & NON-AC Buses. Shah Ali Paribahan wants to serve the passengers with comfortable and safe journey for years to come. shohoz.com/16374